Thursday, September 25, 2008

“Is Freelancing Right for You?” Questionnaire
Having read “Is Freelancing Right for You?” piece’s Get a Freelance Life by Magit Feury Ragland, youwill answer the following prompts in short answer form (3 – 4sentences / Paragraph form) and post on your blog.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working independently? An advantage of working alone is that you can make your own hours, wear pjs, and take a break whenever you want. However, when you work alone there is no one to vent to or get advice from which leaves you 100% responsible for the work you produce. Another disadvantage is loneliness, because being alone will eventually wear on you.

How does your occupation/ position/ or status affect your potential opportunities or career direction? If a person already has connections within one industry then freelancing opportunities could come more easily. Your current occupation or interests could propel your writing career towards topics or jobs that could be very enjoyable. Once a journalist cements connections with different people, their status could open new doors and opportunities that would put them one step ahead of other journalists.

How does the frequency or infrequency of payment from freelancing affect t the budget of a writer? The budget of a freelance journalist is often erratic and not a consistent income. Some newspapers will pay one dollar per word, where as others will pay less than that or sometimes more. Your personal status as a freelance journalist is also a factor in the amount of money you will recieve. You should not quit your day job, until your freelancing has brought in several pay checks. The payment may not come instantly either, because many publications will not pay the journalist until "upon publication."

How do flexibility, organization, and discipline affect a freelancer’s capacity to research, generate and produce quality work? Flexibility is a must because your editors or bosses have quick demands that need to be met instantly. As a freelance journalist you must plan aheead, so if your editor asks for a revise of your article from a month ago you will be prepared. If the deadline is brought up, you need to be able to come up with quality work really quick.

How does one’s expertise or ignorance affect a freelancer’s choice ofassignment? Obviously, you need to have some sort of interest in writing. Also, writing something you know about is far easier than writing about something you don't know about. The choice of an assignment is very important because it gives the journalist a chance to connect to its readers and perhaps persue greater career options.

Should you say no to an assignment? Why or When (at what point)? Yes, if it is offensive or a choice that you as a journalist find unimportant. You must be careful with your choices because if you want to maintain respect as a journalist you have to gain the respect of others. To do that, you have to pick thriling and choices that can help you gain momentum.

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