Thursday, September 25, 2008

“Is Freelancing Right for You?” Questionnaire
Having read “Is Freelancing Right for You?” piece’s Get a Freelance Life by Magit Feury Ragland, youwill answer the following prompts in short answer form (3 – 4sentences / Paragraph form) and post on your blog.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working independently? An advantage of working alone is that you can make your own hours, wear pjs, and take a break whenever you want. However, when you work alone there is no one to vent to or get advice from which leaves you 100% responsible for the work you produce. Another disadvantage is loneliness, because being alone will eventually wear on you.

How does your occupation/ position/ or status affect your potential opportunities or career direction? If a person already has connections within one industry then freelancing opportunities could come more easily. Your current occupation or interests could propel your writing career towards topics or jobs that could be very enjoyable. Once a journalist cements connections with different people, their status could open new doors and opportunities that would put them one step ahead of other journalists.

How does the frequency or infrequency of payment from freelancing affect t the budget of a writer? The budget of a freelance journalist is often erratic and not a consistent income. Some newspapers will pay one dollar per word, where as others will pay less than that or sometimes more. Your personal status as a freelance journalist is also a factor in the amount of money you will recieve. You should not quit your day job, until your freelancing has brought in several pay checks. The payment may not come instantly either, because many publications will not pay the journalist until "upon publication."

How do flexibility, organization, and discipline affect a freelancer’s capacity to research, generate and produce quality work? Flexibility is a must because your editors or bosses have quick demands that need to be met instantly. As a freelance journalist you must plan aheead, so if your editor asks for a revise of your article from a month ago you will be prepared. If the deadline is brought up, you need to be able to come up with quality work really quick.

How does one’s expertise or ignorance affect a freelancer’s choice ofassignment? Obviously, you need to have some sort of interest in writing. Also, writing something you know about is far easier than writing about something you don't know about. The choice of an assignment is very important because it gives the journalist a chance to connect to its readers and perhaps persue greater career options.

Should you say no to an assignment? Why or When (at what point)? Yes, if it is offensive or a choice that you as a journalist find unimportant. You must be careful with your choices because if you want to maintain respect as a journalist you have to gain the respect of others. To do that, you have to pick thriling and choices that can help you gain momentum.

Friday, September 19, 2008


From’s Insider Guide to Freelance Writing: Get aFreelance Life by Margit Feury RaglandGenerating Ideas
What Pique’s Your Interest? I really love pop culture, horoscopes, dating quizzes, and just fun stuff in general. Love relationship and advice collumns. Bachelor of the month, etc. etc. But i also like current events and news.

What have you liked lately? Playing tennis, reading magazines, hanging out with friends.

If you need some help here, ask yourselfthese questions:

Do you have a new favorite Hobby, TV show, book, type of music, film,website? Hobbies: Photography, Swimming, Talking, Hanging out with my friends.
TV Show: Gossip Girl
Book: Harry Potter, The Boyfriend List
Music: Ludacris, Lil Wayne, Eminem, Boys Like Girls.
Film: Titantic, Pearl Harbor, Mean Girls, The House Bunny
Website: Myspace, Facebook, Youtube, JibJab

What are your pet peeves? People throwing up and people not waving to me, when i wave to them.

What makes you really angry? I don't really get mad. But if i can't find something, I get annoyed.

What things in the world do you really wish you could change? Death from cancer, aids, and other diseases that are available to find cures for.

What people, places, and ideas are in the news at the moment? Sarah Palin, Ryan O'Neal's drug arrest, football

Are there any events coming up in the next six months or in the nextyear that are sure to be newsworthy and that you can get the jump onnow? Presidential elections and the birth of Ashlee Simpson's child.

What’s new in your city? A new school and filled in tennis courts.

[What’s new in your school?] new cielings and science wing.

What’s new in your immediate neighborhood? new paved road.

What’s new with your family? my aunt has a new boyfriend

Is your generation, ethnic group, or racial group facing changes,hardships, or freedoms that have not been addressed in the past? That we are considered a dumb generation that is looked down upon. Sometimes I think people feel our new pop culture is stupid.

Monday, September 15, 2008

1. Tom Brady's football season is over, after he tore his ACL and MCL on September On7th, 2008 at Gilette Stadium after he was hit hard by Kansas City Cheif safety Bernard Pollard.

2. Kanye West was arrested at LAX on September 11th, 2008 on suspicion of vandelisiom after an incident pertaining to a papperazzi's broken camera worth an estimated 10,000 dollars.

3. On September 1st, 2008 iTunes announced plans to team up with alternative rock band Snow Patrol to make an interactive album which gives costumers extra videos, pictures, and lyrics.

4. On September 1st, 2008 Google released news of a new browser soon to be launched that uses more technology and simple setups, allowing the browser maximum speed, effienecy, and fun!

5. In San Fransico on September 9th, 2008 iTunes kicked off the "Lets Rock" event which revealed this seasons newest, latest ipods, multiplying the amount of buzz already surrounding ipods.