Thursday, May 14, 2009

Jon and Kate Plus Eight- No More?

Jon and Kate Gosselin have infiltrated the homes of millions Americans in the past few years with their mega-hit reality show on TLC called ‘Jon and Kate Plus 8’ which chronicles their life raising their eight children. The couple face all the hardships parenting guarantees, times eight. With two seven year olds and six four year olds, life gets pretty complicated. On the show, Kate is the domestic homemaker whose need for control and organization often clashes with Jon’s laid back attitude. However, their bickering is nothing more than the common martial arguments. Or is it?
Recently, the beloved reality family has been under great media speculation in concerns to Jon and Kate’s marital problems. The arguing is seen by millions on TV but there is much more behind the camera which is kept private. The couple has admitted publically that living their lives as reality TV stars is difficult and they are known now as a brand, more than individuals. This has been extremely difficult for Jon in particular. In fact, Jon’s name is the one primarily splashing across the headlines these days. Infidelity rumors have sprouted up across the media. He has been seen leaving restaurants and bars with a woman, now identified as Deanna Hummel, 23. This week in People magazine Kate says, “I don’t know that we’re in the same place anymore, that we want the same thing. I’ve been struggling with the question of ‘Who is this person?’ for a while.” When asked about the alleged affair Jon and Deanna vehemently deny any reports and claim they are just ‘good friends.’ However, when asked about Deanna Kate says, “I remember where I was the first time I heard her name. It’s one of those things where you can try to make it go away, but there’s blaring, red flashing lights.” No divorce papers have been filed yet but for the time being all the public can do is wait and hope that Hollywood’s golden family remains intact.